Books, Websites & Apps
Counseling resources for you! Clients, professionals, and ministry leaders can use this list for additional resources on the topics you are most interested in!
I have indicated in the summary section if the resource is a Christian resource or not. I have also noted if it is a recommendation for clients, professionals or ministry leaders. Lastly, I do not get any compensation from recommending these resources. If you have any questions about these resources or my services you can contact me here!
Topics | Title | Notes | |
Anxiety | When Panic Attacks | Clinical resource for clients and professionals. | |
Marriage | Sacred Marriage | Christian resource for clients, professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Marriage | Sacred Marriage Devotional | Christian resource for clients, professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Attachment | The Five Love Languages | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Assessment | Free Five Love Languages Assessment | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Premarital | Things I wish I’d know Before We Got Married | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Premarital | Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Premarital | The Ring Makes All the Difference | Christian and Clinical resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Marriage | Night Light: A Devotional for Couples | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Parenting | Parenting with Love and Logic | Christian and clinical resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Parenting | Parenting Teens with Love and Logic | Christian and clinical resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Stepfamily | The Smart Stepfamily: Seven Steps to a Healthy Family | Christian and clinical resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Single Parenting | Single & Parenting | Christian and clinical resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Anxiety | Letting Go of Worry: God’s Plan for Finding Peace and Contentment | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Anxiety | One Thousand Gifts | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Stress Reduction | Wilderness Time | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Stress Reduction | Simplicity | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
OCD | The Obsessive Compulsive Trap: Real Help for a Real Struggle | Clinical resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Stress Reduction & Sleep | Abide (App) | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Emotional Regulation | The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook | Clinical resource for clients and professionals. | |
Forgiveness | The Art of Forgiving | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Sexual Abuse | On the Threshold of Hope: Opening the Door to Healing for Survivors of Sexual Abuse | Christian and clinical resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Sexual Health & Healing | Sex and the Soul of a Woman: How God Restores the Beauty of Relationships from the Pain of Regret | Christian and clinical resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Sexual Addiction | Hope After Betrayal: Healing When Sexual Addiction Invades Your Marriage | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Anger | The Anger Workbook: A 13-Step Interactive Plan to Help You… | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Divorce Help- Adults | DivorceCare – online resources | Christian and clinical resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Divorce Help- Kids | DivorceCare 4 Kids – online resources | Christian and clinical resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Grief | GriefShare – online resources | Christian and clinical resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Abortive Healing | Surrendering the Secret – post abortive healing – online resources | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. | |
Assessment | Free Apology Language Quiz – find out your apology language – very helpful for couples | Christian resource for clients/ professionals and ministry leaders. |

This is a list of counseling resources for you! Clients, professionals, and ministry leaders are welcome to use this list to help is finding additional resources for the topics you are most interested in!