When scheduling your appointment and considering your payment options there are several advantages to private pay that you may want to consider. Learn more about pricing for counseling services:

I accept private pay, out-of-network benefits and HSA (health savings account) cards. I am also in network with Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Below is more details when considering pricing for counseling services.
Your Insurance
When paying for counseling out-of-pocket your privacy is protected from a 3rd party (i.e. insurance). When using insurance, your insurance company may require information about your treatment to pay a claim. Similar to a medical visit it is usually limited to a diagnosis but may go to a point of requiring some details concerning treatment planning.
Your Privacy with Pricing for Counseling Services
When considering the pricing for counseling services you may want to consider paying out-of-pocket for your treatment. When this takes place, your treatment can be individualized to best fit you. Many times for insurance companies to pay for counseling they will limit the types of diagnoses that can be given, will not cover charges for marital counseling or personal growth, and may limit the duration of the treatment (i.e. only allowing a certain number of sessions and/or limiting the length of a session).
Your Treatment
When paying for counseling out-of-pocket your cost can be actually reduced. Depending on your insurance, you may be required to pay a co-pay and/or a deductible. When not using insurance, sessions can be bought in bundling plans or intensive packages. You can learn more about online course and online intensives here!
Your Cost
When paying for counseling out-of-pocket your cost can be actually reduced. Depending on your insurance, you may be required to pay a co-pay and/or a deductible. When not using insurance, sessions can be bought in bundling plans or intensive packages. You may ask for a good faith estimate of the cost of your treatment. If you have any questions please contact today! You can learn more about my services here or at my SureHope profile here!