Working through trauma is a journey with an amazing destination. A destination of meaning, hope and rest! The journey can be very hard to get to this wonderful destination. I am a Certified clinical trauma professional (CCTP) and enjoy helping individuals through this journey. A trauma intensive can be a wonderful choice!

What does the journey look like?
Learning to regulate emotions is usually a path that needs to be taken on this journey. Usually, individuals that have experienced trauma sometimes feel that emotions can sometimes control them (or that the avoidance of emotions control them). Helping to be informed by emotions but not needing to be dictated by them or controlled by the avoidance of the emotions are key.
Feeling safe in all ways is also another path to take on this journey. Usually, any type of trauma will create some type of threat of a loss of safety for the person. Establishing physical, emotional and spiritual safety is very important on this journey.
Your Story
The stories of our life (how we tell them, what we see in them, what we learn from them) and the meaning that comes from them shape so much about our lives. When we are able to understand our stories and find the meaning of them that is based in absolute truth, hope and rest are not far away. This is the path before a person is able to find the ultimate destination of healing.
Your Healing
Even though this destination of healing may feel that it is far off and at times may seem it does not really exist…it absolutely does! Peace and joy can be restored and a renewed meaning of purpose and life can come. This is the goal of trauma treatment and it is what makes this journey one of the most rewarding journeys one can ever take!
If you would like to learn more about what a trauma intensive looks like contact today! Trauma intensives help us to get a good map in place for this journey and a head start on the work to get you to the ultimate destination! I look forward to starting this journey with you!